
As part of infusionWP’s new “Client Service Center” suite of integration tools, two shortcodes have been added to the “FULL” version:

  • [i4w_list_ccards] This shortcode will display a list of the credit cards on file for a given subscriber’s credit card.
  • [i4w_list_invoices]
    This shortcode can be used to display a subscriber’s billing history, with the option to display only product or subscription invoices or both. The list can be sorted by date, ascending or descending. CSS style information can be passed to the shortcode to ensure that the display fits smugly into your visuals. The data columns to be displayed can be specified, as well as column headers.

In the coming days, a series of related shortcodes will be released, the sum total of which will enable you to create your own, on-site Client Service Center, providing your customers with a hub – sorry, had to do it – through which they can self-manage some aspects of their account(s) with you.

As always, your feedback is always welcome and appreciated.

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